Christmas is not only the most wonderful time of the year, but it is also the busiest one for retailers. Everyone is rushing to get items they need for the festivities ranging from food and beverages to gifts and clothing just before they are out of stock and everyone wants to get all of it at the best prices possible. 

This creates a lot of competition among sellers scrambling to get a share of the many customers that are flooding the festive market. Only a few manage to get a big share of this market and here are some tips on how you can be among the lucky sellers this festive season.

Personal touch

Selling is not just a matter of exchanging goods for money, but adding a personal touch to each of your clients brings selling to a new level. People give back to those that give to them: Customers love being taken care of and businesses adding a personal touch and feel to each sale creates a customer loyalty bond that is very hard to break. For the festive season, there are different ways you can add a personal touch for every client that you serve, 

  • Christmas cards

For every delivery you send out,  you can send Christmas wishes through a small card that you personalize with the customer’s name. If you have regular customers, you can send them a card at the beginning of the festive season to deepen your professional relationship with them. 

  • Christmas message via phone

With the many social media platforms and SMS services available in our palms, it would really mean a lot to your client if you wished them a merry Christmas personally. This will make them feel special and appreciated and possibly bring them closer to making a purchase with you in preparation for the festivities. 

  • Phone call

Phone calls are way more special than Christmas cards or phone messages as it is the closest thing to a physical conversation. Use this for customers you already know quite well –  they will know that they are special to you and might bring them closer to making a purchase with you in this busy season. 

Free add-ons or after-sales services

Who doesn’t love an extra item or service that is given by the supplier for free? We all do and it makes us feel cherished.- and that is how your clients should feel, too.  The special treatment you can give them could be a product added to what they have already purchased or a free after-sales service such as no delivery fee or no installation fee. 

By giving first, you are often given way more than you ever imagined – and in this case, this means an increase in sales. Find out what after-sales services or add-ons you can offer your clients and watch those smiles turn into sales.


Putting a “20% OFF” label on a product is every business person’s favorite way of having people buy from them. Discounts are a really good way for customers to get what they were badly in need of for an even better price – and it might be your way into establishing a long-term relationship with a customer. Offering discounts is a good way to get a buyer’s interest in your product. While they are already in your online shop, they might check out your other goods as well and this leads to a sales increase. 

But you need to ensure that the discount offered does not negatively affect your business or lead to big losses. Look at your business and your products and see what items you can offer at a discount for the festive season.

Marketing campaigns

In a world where nearly everyone is on social media,  running ads online to stay ahead and beat your competition is vital – especially in times where competition is as high as it is during Christmas. 

You can create your ads directly through your social media accounts and target your Christmas message directly at the buyers you want to reach. 

If your business is new in the market, the campaigns should aim at increasing brand awareness and sales with different kinds of offers that are worthy according to your market.

Digital marketing platforms

Last but not least, digital marketing platforms can help increase sales. If you are not on one yet, it is about time you do!

With an online shop like SokoApp provides it,  all your products can be displayed in a nice way and with all the details. Having everything in one place makes it easy for you to share your products with your customers  – no matter where they are. By saving them the trouble of moving through the crowded city during the festive season in search of a product, they’ll be even happier with their purchase. 

Now that you got the tips from us, it’s your turn. Happy Christmas selling!

If you still need a tool to up your game online during the festive season, SokoApp offers an easy and free tool to help you to create an online shop in less than 30 seconds. Check it out on the Google Playstore or request a demo via: hello[@]